On Saturday, November 2nd, AYLUS Pearland organized a successful candy drive to collect extra Halloween treats for donation to Mexico. The event was filled with excitement as community members came together to drop off their leftover candy, creating a vibrant atmosphere of generosity and teamwork. Volunteers set up a collection station and twisted different kinds of balloons to give to the coming kids. As the event progressed, the response was overwhelming. Many residents showed up with bags full of candy, at the end the volunteers collected about 50 lbs of candies and treats, which will be packed and delivered to the Mexican church, who will bring them to Mexico.
3 hrs: Erick Gao
2 hrs: Will Wang, David Liu, Jerry Mao, Ashley Jiang, Ian Chiang, Iva Chiang, Leah Hong, Riya Sekhaden
Parent on Duty: Peilin Yang (Leah) and Hua Tian (Erick)