On Monday, October 21st, 2024, members of the AYLUS Roslyn Branch went to Saratoga, New York, to receive The Rising Star Award at the Cerebral Palsy State’s Annual Conference, for our dedicated volunteer work for CP Nassau.
Maxim Li: We had a great time and met a lot of new people across New York State who also support the special needs community. I grew up with an older brother with severe disabilities and I have always tried to help my brother, it is something I don’t even really think about. But through volunteering with CP Nassau, I learned that the things that we do and say, no matter how big or how small of an act, it can make someone’s day, bring a smile to another person, and even change someone’s outlook in life. I will cherish this experience for years to come.
Angelika Jiang: The CP State conference was a night to remember, we met new people and listened to inspiring stories from people all over New York State. Hearing stories from different people’s perspectives has changed our own perspectives. The idea of facing challenges head-on and helping others is so important in life. Through organizations like the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County and many others, people with disabilities are able to reach their greatest level of independence. Being able to help that happen and bring joy to others is so special. It was a great honor to be awarded and we are so grateful for all the opportunities and lessons CP Nassau has given and taught us.
Michael: Through various activities played with the residents, we learned how to help them and make their lives better by bringing in more joy. Even though people with Cerebral Palsy may have limited motion or speech, they still have feelings and emotions. Think of everything you do in a day. What do you contribute to the CP Residential home? How many residents depend on your face and maybe the little treats you bring in? They look forward to seeing you every weekend. They want to communicate with you. They are so joyful to play games with you. That’s the motivation that we will continue with our volunteer work! Volunteering helps us step away from ourselves and our problems, allowing us to see the world and others from a new and different perspective, which in turn allows us to be grateful for what we already have and see ourselves as an individual value. We will keep up our good work and strive hard to help more!
Brooke: I would like to thank everyone at CP. The community is so welcoming and I am so glad that we were able to bring a bit of change and happiness into the lives of the residents. They have changed our lives as much as we have theirs.
Reporters: Maxim Li, Angelika Jiang, Michael Zhang, Brooke Zheng