AYLUS Great Neck Branch Weekly Sports Event on 9/27/2028(32nd)

On September 27th, AYLUS Great Neck Branch hosted their weekly sports event to help special needs kids at Firefighter Park. The members of AYLUS and the children participated in fun activities. We started with volleyball, then one of the kids asked to play frisbee. After a little while, one of the special needs kids suggested playing tag, and everyone happily agreed. They all had a great time, laughing, joking around, running, and getting really into the game. To end the day, we played some catch with them.
We noticed that one of the kids we’ve been helping has become a lot more confident with the ball. For example, before, whenever we threw the ball for him to catch, he would dodge and seemed “scared” of the ball. Now, he tries to catch the ball and is much more confident. All of the kids have also become more comfortable with their surroundings. Whenever they see us, they always greet us by name or say “hi.” We’re all proud of the progress that the children have made.
Report by: Zoe Xia
Volunteers who participated: Zoe Xia, Yvonne Liu, Melody Fang, Rebecca Xu, Elisa Leung
Hours: 5:30-6:30 (1 hour)

Updated: September 29, 2024 — 3:25 pm

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