Frisco & Plano Branch TMMTD Flea Market Fundraiser for “Loops for Love” on September 14th 2024

Report by Andrew Wang

Posted by Mateen Benarieb

On September 14th, 2024, eight members of AYLUS Frisco and Plano participated in our first Third Monday Trade Days flea market fundraiser of the season to support “Loops for Love”, a project that knits hats and accessories for cancer patients. Our team set up a booth where we sold a diverse range of items, including backpacks, office organizers, stickers, bracelets, rings, and beautifully handcrafted knitted accessories.

Even though the day was exceptionally hot, our dedicated volunteers persevered through both morning and afternoon shifts. Their commitment paid off, as we managed to sell a considerable amount of merchandise, making a significant contribution toward our fundraising goal.

To further enhance our outreach, we displayed two posters featuring information about AYLUS and the events we participate in. These posters helped capture the attention of passersby, providing them with valuable insights into our organization and encouraging them to get involved or support our cause.

Overall, the event was a great success, thanks in large part to the hard work and enthusiasm of our volunteers. Their efforts not only contributed to our fundraising but also brought attention to Loops for Love and AYLUS. We’re grateful for their dedication and the positive impact they made on this hot, busy Saturday.


Andrew Wang  (event leader)  4 hours   9/13  event preparation trifold 4 hours

Lillian Qian  (event leader)   4 hours

Mateen Bernarieb  3.5 hours

Easton Marshall     3.5 hours

Chloe Chang      3 hours

Camilla Gu         3 hours

Tanya Fu            3 hours

Natalie Lin          3 hours

Gary Ma              3 hours

4 hours


Updated: September 17, 2024 — 1:58 am

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