AYLUS Syosset teaches elementary schoolers basketball at A.P Willits on 9/01/24

On 09/01/24 members of AYLUS Syosset went to teach elementary schoolers basketball. Coaches were determined to improve the footwork, dribbling, and off ball offense for said elementary schoolers. Coaches taught how to pivot and lateral movements with the ball and without it. Furthermore coaches delved into the realm of offensive strategies, presenting said elementary schoolers with abilities like pump faking and dribbling if they were able to catch their opponent off guard after receiving the ball. Lastly coaches put emphasis in refining past skills learned, these skills mainly consisted of good habits, which were rebounds and making sure they follow their shot, to achieve a greater offensive potency.

Everyone (2h)

Wangyang Ji, Tyler Zhu, Michelle Huang, Arthur Zhang, Ethan Lee, Madison Lee, Felix Zheng, Bryan Wan, Darren Gao

Updated: September 19, 2024 — 12:36 am

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