Frisco & Plano Branch Organized Beddings Donation for Loops for Love Project on August 31st 2024

Reported by Bryan Zheng

Posted by Jenny Wang

On August 31st 2024, several AYLUS members volunteered to organize our beddings donation stock for an upcoming garage sale fundraising for the Loops of Love project. During our last garage sale, we noticed customers struggled to understand what they were buying due to unmarked packaging. Thus we marked the sizes, names, and price of various items such as bed sheets and pillow cases so our future customers could easily identify the items from their packaging and save time. We overestimated how much had to be organized but regardless we managed to organize many boxes worth of items during our session.


Bryan Zheng  (event leader) 3 hours

Jenny Lin            2 hours

Michael Zhang    2 hours

Jonina Ouyang    2 hours

Austin Ouyang    2 hours

Karen Li              2 hours

Ruishu Zhang     2 hours

Sophia Li            2 hours

Supporting parents:  Li Wan  2 hours

Updated: September 2, 2024 — 12:00 am

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