San Diego Branch organized 2024 PVSA Award Ceremony on August 30, 2024

Report by Andrew Zhou

On August 30, 2024, We organized the 2024 PVSA Award Ceremony. For San Diego Branch, we had 39 volunteers total that received awards, namely 10 Bronze, 9 Silver and 20 Gold.

At the beginning of the ceremony, we introduced all of our weekly programs, such as Smiling Stars, Online Classes such as Beast Academy, 1 on 1 Tutoring, and English for the Elderly, and then additionally our Food Bank events and Bottle Recycling. Furthermore, we briefly listed numerous other events such as our donation drives, and encouraged all of the volunteers to become leaders themselves, create and lead new events and help improve our community. We then passed out all of the awards to each of the recipients, and congratulated all of them on their hard work and effort, contributing to not only the community but to AYLUS and even having global impacts through our Libraries with Love program.

On 8/30/2024, there are 25 Volunteers attended our Ceremony.


Updated: September 2, 2024 — 6:03 am

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