AYLUS Roslyn Provides Food to Local Families through NOSH delivers! Food Pantry (25th) on August 27, 2024

On August 27th, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, AYLUS Roslyn volunteered at NOSH Delivers. NOSH is a food pantry created during the pandemic to help support families with food securities. NOSH is volunteered led and provides both walk-in and delivery services.

Today AYLUS Roslyn was tasked with a multitude of tasks who;le volunteering at NOSH. We started with creating “veggie bags”. A veggie bag contains 5 potatoes, 1 carrot, 4 apples, 2 peaches, 1 tomato, and 1 pepper. These veggies bags would be delivered to to households who weren’t able to commute to the physical NOSH pantry. The team worked efficiently creating hundreds of bags during our time at NOSH. When we ran short of a certain ingredient we would replace it and dispose of the cardboard waste properly. The team paid close attention to the produce that might be spoiled or rotten, ensuring only the best reaches the people in need. As families walked through the pantry, the team would restock the shelves. When ever the farmer’s markets would need something we would sort throught the produce and bring the necessary items. A gracious patron donated enough cream cheese and ground chicken to feed the entire state of New York. We lifted the impressive walls of cream cheese and filled the walk-in fridge with the new surplus of foods. When ever there was trash there was always an AYLUS volunteer there to properly dispose of it. When ever there was an cardboard box an AYLUS volunteer would be there to bring it to the “Box Room”. When there was an older citizen who needed assistance getting back to their car, a volunteer with a bright red shirt would be there. We moved boxes, restocked shelves, created veggie bags, and assisted the people in need. The whole team has accomplished a tremendous amount of work today. It was definitely an rewarding experience to see us support so many families. 

Volunteering at NOSH Delivers was an amazing experience, it was very rewarding to see all the bags of produce we created being delivered. It was equally rewarding to see families walk in and walk out being able to get the food they need. It was incredible to see the amount of people we were able to to impact with our effort. Being able to give back to the community is humbling and a reminder that what we put in to this Earth is what we get back. 

Members who participated include: Hunter Chen (3 Hours), Sofia Chen (3 Hours), Angelika Jiang (3 Hours)

Reporter: Hunter Chen

Updated: August 28, 2024 — 1:35 pm

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