Frisco & Plano Branch Fundraising for African Library Project at Russell Creek Park on August 24th 2024

Reported by Amanda Ye

Posted by Charlotte Chen

During the evening of August 24th, The Frisco & Plano AYLUS branch fundraised money at Russell Creek park for our African Libraries project. The group of volunteers took different roles to be able to finish the multiple tasks that the event had. Some members made and sold boba tea, while other members created cotton candy and shaved ice. A different group of volunteers went around the park to advertise and spread the word of AYLUS and our mission. The older members of AYLUS taught the newer recruits how to correctly make these delicacies. Due to the commitment and the perseverance of the members, we were able to sell and raise a decent amount for the library. This was a successful event, with members gaining many different life skills, as well as helping support our community.


Charlotte Chen (Event Leader) 3.5 hours

Amanda Ye 2.5 hours

Kat (Kaitlin) Lian 2.5 hours

Bethany Tran 2.5 hours

Makenna McNees 2.5 hours

Runci Kang 2.5 hours

Qilu Jin 2.5 hours

Ryce Pi 2.5 hours

Jenny Lin 2.5 hours

Sophia Li (Event Leader) 3.5 hours

Kailang Du 2.5 hours

Scott Ni 2.5 hours

Nathan Ni 2.5 hours

Terry Lin 2.5 hours

Deyang Liu 2.5 hours

Ho Hin Ni 2.5 hours

Updated: September 16, 2024 — 3:59 am

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