AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Volunteers at ALFC Generosity Center August 17, 2024

On August 17, 2024, the ALFC Generosity Center was once again bustling with activity as youth volunteers from the AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch gathered for a day of service. With 26 dedicated students participating, this event was particularly notable for the inclusion of five new volunteers, reflecting the growing interest and commitment among the youth to community service.

The volunteers began their work early at 7:30 AM and continued until 1:30 PM, distributing food to those in need. The outdoor conditions were challenging, with the sun bearing down relentlessly, but the students took it all in stride. Their hard work and perseverance ensured that the community members received the help they needed. Despite the heat and physical demands, the volunteers remained focused and dedicated, showing their strong commitment to supporting their community.

The student volunteers included Yangxuezhe Sun, Cynthia Shen, Yuandun An, Yanru Su, Yanhang Guo, Haohua Feng, Waiki Hou, Xinnuo Huang, Zhu Zhu, Angelynne Zhu, Chengzhuo Ye, Zikang Li, Sicheng Lu, Shuyu Yan, Haoyu Zhang, Yixuan Yuan, Jennifer Kuang, Xitong Wang, Yuxuan Huang, Jingwei Shu, Zhiwei Lin, Ivan Fu, Lingnai Yang, Yuzhu Jin, Hanxuan Feng, Yingqi Lin, Euphia Chi, and Jinhe Huang. Jinhe Huang had to leave early due to special circumstances and contributed three hours of service, while the other 28 volunteers each contributed six hours.

The successful completion of the tasks, especially by those working indoors who finished ahead of time, highlighted the efficiency and dedication of the youth volunteers. Their efforts did not go unnoticed, as the organizers commended them for their hard work and the impact they had on the community.

The event concluded with a strong sense of accomplishment and reflection. The volunteers felt proud of their contributions, knowing they had made a significant difference. This event at the ALFC Generosity Center underscored the ongoing commitment of the AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch to community service. As they look forward to future events, the volunteers are inspired to continue their efforts, driven by the knowledge that they can make a positive impact on their community.

Written by: Yangxuezhe Sun


Updated: September 16, 2024 — 9:54 pm

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