Chapel Hill Branch Donates Handmade Crafts to Kits to Heart on Aug 11, 2024

Throughout the beginning of August, members of the AYLUS Chapel Hill branch carefully crafted handmade gifts for cancer patients. Among the members was a volunteer from the AYLUS Columbus branch, Ayden He. The crafts consisted of heart pillows and masks made with adorable fabrics that were carefully sewn together. Each member poured their hearts into their crafts and hope that they will bring joy and support to its recipients during difficult times.


Volunteers who participated in this event are Nicholas Wang (1.5 hrs), Ayden He (1.5 hrs), Andre Wu (1.5 hrs), Eric Sun (6 hrs), Alwin Liu (6 hrs), Owen (6 hrs), and Andrew Zhao (6 hrs)


Reported by Nicholas Wang

Updated: August 20, 2024 — 6:00 pm

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