Youth Entrepreneur: Pearland Branch Prepared Garage Sale on Aug 15th & 16th, 2024

In preparation for the upcoming Garage Sale Fundraiser, Pearland Branch volunteers have been diligently addressing several key tasks. Three weeks before the event, they began promoting it by posting flyers on social media to boost awareness. Throughout this period, they organized collection drives and established designated drop-off points across the community to gather donated items. On August 16, 2024, 5:30-8:00 pm, volunteers focused on sorting these donations into categories such as clothing, electronics, toys, household goods, and miscellaneous items. Additionally, they set up the event site, arranging tables, display areas, and signage to ensure a smooth shopping experience. Online presales for select items were also launched to generate early interest and revenue. These coordinated efforts aim to ensure a well-organized and successful fundraiser that supports local community initiatives.
08/15 Collecting and sorting donation items:
2 hours: Andy Shi, Kenrick Xia, Jordana Zhao, Alissa Shi, Anna Zheng, Roy Zheng, Kara Li, Ethan Chen, Alvin Zheng, Ranbin Yao, Junxi Ding, Yutong Jiang, Zide Liu, Gregory Song, Gavin Song, Wyatt Yin, Wendy Yin, Selena Zhang, Sarah Zhang, Andrew Lu, Emma A Lu, William Sun, Alice Zhang, Jordan Zheng, Abigail Zheng, Amelia Zheng, Ian Chiang, Iva Chiang, Will Wang, Ashley Jiang, Grace Chen, Sophia Zhang, Alexander Sun, Arianna Li, Eddie Fu, Aiden Li, Alex Song, Christy Zheng, Aila Jiang, Derek Zhu, Katherine Wu, Allison Zhang, Boyu Wu, Michelle Gu, Allen Gu, Cathy Gu, Caroline Fu
08/15: Managing drop off locations:
1 hour: Christy Zheng, Aila Jiang, Derek Zhu, Katherine Wu, Allison Zhang, Boyu Wu.
08/16 Sorting items, on site sale set-up volunteers:
2.5 hours: Aiden Li, Caroline Fu, Hitesh Dasari, Katlyn Zhuang, Christy Zheng, Alvin Zheng, Boyu Wu, Allen Gu.
Parents on duty(2.5 hours):Erica Jiang, Li Liu, Carol Li, Mia Liu, Jixia Zhang.
Updated: September 2, 2024 — 2:05 am

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