Frisco & Plano Branch Shipping 1100+ Prek-4 Books for 5th African Library Botswana Library at Fedex on August 10th 2024

Reported by Amelia Kuo

Posted by Jenny Wang

On August 10, our team of AYLUS members shipped out 1100+ books to the African Library Project. Together, we have collected over 1100 books and have fundraised more than 500 dollars for shipping. We are extremely proud of our AYLUS members for their contributions, effort, and preparation to accomplish this goal. Our team had to wake up early on a Saturday morning and wait for FedEx to open, proving our unwavering dedication. We are so happy to have accomplished our 5th African Library Project and we hope to continue to contribute to the African Library Project.


Jenny Wang (event leader)  1 hour

Amelia Kuo (event leader)   1 hour

Mateen Benarieb (event leader)   1 hour

Japser Kuo        1 hour

Ruishu Zhang    1 hour

Camilla Gu        1 hour

Brian Han           1 hour

Andrew Wang     1 hour

Sarah Yang          1 hour

Rachael Yang       1 hour

Runci Kang           1 hour



Updated: August 21, 2024 — 3:39 am

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