Frisco & Plano Branch Packaging 1000+ Prek-8 books for 6th African Library Lesotho Library on August 17th 2024

Reported by Jenny Wang

Partnering with the African Library Project, our Frisco & Plano branch has successfully shipped over a thousand pre-k to 8th-grade books to establish a library in Lesotho, a country in Africa. The African Library Project partners with African-based organizations to establish small libraries in schools and communities in rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, helping to get our books into the right hands. Especially in places without internet, libraries help people access information and help to inspire a love of learning in youths.
After a month of hard work collecting over a thousand books all over the community and sorting them by grade level, AYLUS Frisco & Plano African Library Team members got ready to package them on August 17th at 7:30 AM. To prevent water damage to the books, we carefully put plastic bags under 12x12x12 ALP-required media boxes. After we added the pre-sorted books into the boxes we started to tape and seal the boxes. We separated into two teams effectively, one team packing books into the box to maximize the number of books in a box to conserve funds and the other team taping the boxes thoroughly to prevent damage. On such a hot summer day, as a team, we were able to package and tape the 20 boxes successfully.


Jenny Wang (event leader)  4.5 hours

Amelia Kuo (event leader)  4.5 hours

Jasper Kuo       3.5 hours

Kailang Du       3.5 hours

Lucas Kz Lin    3.5 hours

Chloe Lin         3.5 hours

Alex Lin           3.5 hours

Sarah Yang     3.5 hours

Rachael Yang  3.5 hours

Brian Han        3.5 hours

Kevin Cui        3.5 hours

Alisa Tong      3.5 hours

Lillian Qian    3.5 hours

Sanhit Mooli  3.5 hours

Charlotte Chen  3.5 hours

Ruishu Zhang    3.5 hours

Jingrui Duan      3.5 hours



Updated: August 19, 2024 — 12:47 am

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