AYLUS Roslyn Provides Food to Local Families Through NOSH Delivery! Food Pantry (18th) on August 10, 2024

On Saturday, August 10th, 2024, from 9am to 12 pm, the AYLUS Roslyn Branch volunteered with NOSH Delivers. NOSH Delivers a non-profit organization in Glen Cove dedicated to helping families facing food insecurity. Their mission is to improve the well-being of the North Shore community by increasing access to food. 

During our time at NOSH Delivers, we helped sort and organize boxes of food. They had many boxes full of different types of food, so to make stocking the shelves easier, we sorted the boxes so that each box had their own type of food. For example, all the cereal went in one box while all the snacks went in another. While sorting the foods, we also checked the expiration dates to make sure all the food was safe to eat. We also completed small chores, like moving boxes around and throwing out garbage and empty boxes. Later we stocked the shelves and helped the people coming in find the items they needed.

From this experience we learned the importance of helping the community. We learned that we have many privileges that we shouldn’t take for granted. Volunteering at NOSH Delivers was an amazing experience and we hope to come back soon.


Participants: Isabelle Tsui (3 hours), Natalie Tsui (3 hours), Brian Xiong (3 hours), Eric Xiong (3 hours), Leah Chan (3 hours), Zihan Wang (3 hours)

Reporter: Brian Xiong

Updated: August 13, 2024 — 2:35 am

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