AYLUS Memorial Branch volunteered at Chinese Community Center to assist with the summer youth camp on August 5th, 2024

On August 5th, 2024, members of the Aylus Memorial Branch in Houston, Texas volunteered at the Chinese Community Center (9800 Town Park Drive, Houston, TX 77036) to assist with the summer youth camp from 9 AM-5PM. The volunteers cleaned and took apart a portable swimming pool, served kids lunch, organized storage, prepared items for an upcoming field trip, and took down decorations. The members were able to create a more enjoyable experience for the youth.

Participants: Dylan Zhou (2.5 hours), Natalie Min (5.5 hours), Lynette Li (8 hours), Ava Jiang (7.5 hours), Christine Cai (5 hours), Emily Liu (5 hours).

Reported by: Lynette Li and Dylan Zhou

Note: No youth were in photos to respect privacy

Updated: August 6, 2024 — 2:35 am

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