Frisco & Plano Branch Fundraising for 6th African Library at Russell Creek Park on July 27th, 2024

Reported by Charlotte Chen

Posted by Jenny Wang

On the evening of July 27, 2024, AYLUS members gathered at Russell Creek Park to fundraise for the African Libraries project by selling Tiger Milk Tea, shaved ice, and ice water. Volunteers were assigned to various different tasks. Some volunteers made the Tiger Milk Tea and shaved ice while other volunteers advertised and advocated about AYLUS to community members. In addition, a couple of new AYLuS members learned how to make Tiger Milk Tea and shaved ice. Volunteers were also able to learn more about how to advocate and advertise for AYLUS to members of the community. Overall, the AYLUS Frisco and Plano branch served a lot of community members and fundraised money for the African Libraries project, making this event a great success.


Charlotte Chen (event leader) 5.5 hours

Runci Kang                      5 hours

Tingfei Li                          3 hours

Deborah Lynn Zhao       3 hours

Camilla Gu                     3 hours

Qilu Jin                          3 hours

Ruishu Zhang                3 hours

Adithi Vattem                 3 hours

Ankhee Kharghoria       3 hours


Updated: August 2, 2024 — 3:30 am

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