AYLUS Cheshire Branch Recycles Bottles for Fundraiser – 07/28/24

Reported by: Valerie Zheng
On July 28th, 2023, AYLUS Cheshire Branch recycled bottles at the local Stop & Shop. Bottles were collected from the volunteers’ homes and also from the many generous people who donated to our branch in the Bottle Drive. All proceeds from this event go toward AYLUS Cheshire Branch’s fundraiser for the local high school. Thank you so much to everyone who donated! Your support means everything to us, and we are gladly able to use the money earned from these fundraisers in order to continue making an impact in the community. Below are some pictures of the event:

Valerie Zheng: 2
Jeffrey Yam: 2
Lucas Du: 2
Alvan Liu: 2


Updated: August 1, 2024 — 1:28 am

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