Syosset Volunteers Help Out at CCE Farmers Market 7/27/24

On 7/27/24, Syosset AYLUS volunteers made a return to the CCE farmers market. The CCE farmers market is held at Eisenhower Park where local businesses share their products with everyone! Usually, the farmers market sells all kinds of products from baked treats to crochet goods, but today was seafood day! Specialty stands were set up to inform people about marine concerns on Long island, give fun facts, and offer complimentary fresh seafood treats. Additionally, CCE has incorporated their CSA program (community supported agriculture) into their booths. With the CSA program, citizens not only get to help out our local farmers but they also get to pick up fresh groceries every week as well as a bouquet of flowers.


After quickly setting up the farmers market before 9 AM, volunteers also helped others with their tents to get started with the day. Students helped create a sign for seafood day and set it up for everyone to see. In addition, the count of all the visitors was collected with over 300 guests. Volunteers also helped advertise Taste New York, a stand that was once set up at the farmers market field but was then moved inside a building. Because they aren’t visible to the public, the days have definitely been quieter. Luckily AYLUS volunteers helped spread the word about Taste NY and helped them gain more sales than ever. After a successful day at the farmers market, volunteers helped pack up all the tents and tables.


Volunteers + Hours: Rachel Zhang, 4 Hours. Xuanming Liu; 4.5 hours, Ranveer Kathpal; 4.5 hours.

Updated: August 29, 2024 — 9:08 pm

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