AYLUS Great Neck Branch volunteers at Steppingstone Park (12th) 7/28/24

On Sunday, July 28th 2024, AYLUS volunteers came to Steppingstone park to help clean and remove weeds, in addition to picking up trash. Using gloves, shovels, and trash bags, members went through the park and worked tirelessly to dig up weeds, throw out trash and litter left on the ground, and shape a cleaner and more pleasurable environment for people visiting the park. The work of these members will allow flowers, trees, and plants growing at Steppingstone Park to continue to flourish. The members were committed to helping improve the park, and showed true dedication to protecting the beauty of nature.

This event’s importance comes in many ways, including not only improving and maintaining the environment, but also creating a passion to change the world, even bit by bit. AYLUS members will continue to develop important life skills, which will play a major role in their futures. Furthermore, Steppingstone Park has been a place in many peoples’ childhoods, and it is significant to maintain the state of the park so others can enjoy the park as we did. Thanks to our community’s efforts, we can preserve this beautiful park so future generations will be able to enjoy and experience the park like we do, and create long-lasting memories that will further enhance the world we live in.

Reporter: Brandon Li


Volunteers (2 hrs):

Brandon Li
Jerry Li
xingchen Jin
Guangqi lu
Carina Xing
yutong xing
Wenya zhang
Brenda Roman
Jason zeng
isla zeng
Raymond Li
Max Zhang
Finn wang

Updated: July 28, 2024 — 11:29 pm

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