AYLUS Oakland Gardens Color A Smile 2 (07/21/2024)

On July 21st, 2024, members of AYLUS (Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States) Oakland Gardens Branch had another online color a smile event. This is our 93rd event so far held by AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch. 
Color A Smile is an organization that distributes drawings to people such as senior citizens, people in the military, or anyone else who is in need of a smile! You have to finish coloring one of their pictures first, and then mail it to them so they are able to distribute the pictures.
Some of our members joined a Google Meet, and we all started coloring pictures to send to Color A Smile organization, so that they could send it to ‘anyone in need of a smile’. Our parent advisors had everyone keep their camera on, and point it towards their coloring pages so that they could make sure that they were working.
We held another online event instead of an in – person event. We will continue to do this for the next few events. This is due to the extreme hot weather outside.  We still wanted to give back to our community and host events. Therefore, we decided that we would do some virtual events. Our members would give their coloring pages to our parent advisors the next time they go to an in – person event, and we would be able to mail it to Color A Smile.
Our deepest gratitudes to the members who helped out at this event. Even with the weather and our current conditions, they still wanted to help out.
Our volunteers:
Albert Tang: 1.5 hours 
Shirley Chiu : 1.5 hours 
Jonathan Zheng : 1.5 hours 
Ricky Song : 1.5 hours 
Benny Yeung : 1.5 hours 
Melissa Chen : 1.5 hours 
Hong Hao Liu : 1.5 hours 
Yuan Gu : 1.5 hours 
Sophia Lu : 1.5 hours 
Sophia ShiHan You : 1.5 hours 
Patrick Yeung : 1.5 hours 
Anthony Lin : 1.5 hours 
Sophia Gao : 1.5 hours 
Sophia Lin : 1.5 hours 
Stephanie ShiRan You : 1.5 hours 
Alex Lu : 1.5 hours 
Selena Zheng : 1.5 hours 
Alexander Lu : 1.5 hours 
Sabrina Gao : 1.5 hours 
Mandy Lin : 1.5 hours 
Elyssa Lin : 1.5 hours 
Cassandra Lin : 1.5 hours 
Eric Zheng : 1.5 hours 
Bowen Chen : 1.5 hours 
Leeann Yung : 1.5 hours 
Ryan Wu : 1.5 hours 
Darren Wu : 1.5 hours 
Shiqi Zheng : 1.5 hours 
Shi Zhen Li : 1.5 hours 
Xitong Zheng : 1.5 hours 
Zhengyilan Fang : 1.5 hours 
Nerissa  Xu : 1.5 hours 
Paxton Xu : 1.5 hours 
Iokseng Lin : 1.5 hours 
Brandon Lin : 1.5 hours 
Aiden Lin : 1.5 hours 
Jerry Zhu : 1.5 hours 
Shihao Li : 1.5 hours 
Vicki Lin : 1.5 hours 
Derrick Gao : 1.5 hours 
Aaron Shi : 1.5 hours 
Huizhen Piao : 1.5 hours 
Rex He : 1.5 hours 
Ioklee Lin : 1.5 hours 
Ioknor Lin : 1.5 hours 
Iokting Lin : 1.5 hours 
Chloe Chan : 1.5 hours 
Matthew Lin : 1.5 hours 
Ziheng Jiao : 1.5 hours 
Darren Li : 1.5 hours 
Queena Li : 1.5 hours 
Austin Li : 1.5 hours 
Jia Qi Liu : 1.5 hours 
Sophia Xu : 1.5 hours 
Eric Yu : 1.5 hours 
Yiming Chen: 1.5 hours 
Brayden Lau : 1 hour
Xiangxi Yu: 1 hour 
 Anthony Xu: 0.5 hours 
Parent Adviser Team:

Teng Fei Liu (Faye): 2 hours

Cui Fang Li (Fannie): 2 hours

Hsinhui Liao (Karen): 2 hours

Report written by: Sophia ShiHan You

Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: July 24, 2024 — 1:36 pm

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