AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch Weed The Friends Meeting House (07/20/2024)

This is the 91st event held by AYLUS Oakland Gardens. On Saturday July, 20, 2024, AYLUS Oakland Gardens went to Flushing Friends Quaker meeting House on 37-16 Northern Blvd, Queens, to help remove weeds in their backyard. AYLUS Oakland Gardens worked with Maureen Regan and Green Earth Urban Garden Inc, to remove the weeds near the Meeting House.

The Meeting House was the first house of warship in the Village of Flushing. The Meeting House is the oldest place of worship in continued use in New York City and the second oldest in the nation. The House provided the first permanent place of worship for the Quakers.

AYLUS Oakland Gardens helped preserve history by removing weeds that are damaging the Meeting House and the weed that are coving the Garden and Graveyard. Maureen instructed the member to split up into groups of five. Each group was tasked to fo different things. Group A worked on raking any dead grass or leaves surrounding the Meeting House. Group B was tasked with removing andy weed or tall grass the near the garden bed. Group C was task with making a small trench near the perimeter of the garden bed. Group D was tasked with picking up trash on the side walk near the Meeting House. Group E was tasked with removing weed the is growing from the stone wall supporting the garden bed. Group F was tasked with removing the weed growing in the stone path leading to the Meeting House.

While the members where working on removing the weed, Maureen told us about the common Milkweed. The common Milkweed is a host plant for monarch butterfly caterpillars, so we had to be very carry with what kind of plant we were removing. We also learned about the porcelain berry. The porcelain berry is not a weed but can be very damaging when it grows on walls. The porcelain berry can grow in the walls of a building, causing the wall to be unstable and dangerous.

As the event was being wrapped up Ms. Linda, a Quaker member, who allow us to the sit in the meeting hall of the Meeting House and told us about the history of the building and what being a Quaker meant. Quakers are humble people and live simple lives. Ms. Linda also let us listen and sing along to some Quaker songs.


We like that thank Ms. Linda and Maureen for letting persevere and see the Meeting House. Thank you Maureen Regan for offering food and snacks for our volunteer members. We also like to thank all the volunteers that went to the day’s event.


Our volunteers:

Vicki Lin: 4 hours

Alfred Liu: 4 hours

Sophia You : 4 hours

Ioklee Lin : 4 hours

Ioknor Lin : 4 hours

Patrick Guan : 4 hours

Sophia Xu : 4 hours

Anthony Xu : 4 hours

Eric Zheng : 4 hours

Shizhen Li : 4 hours

Shihao Li : 4 hours

Yiming Chen : 4 hours

Sophia Lu : 4 hours

Alexander Lu : 4 hours

Michelle Song : 4 hours

Stephanie You: : 4 hours

Sophia Li : 4 hours

Selena Zheng : 4 hours

Justin Cheong : 4 hours

Liam Cheung : 4 hours

Shirley Chiu : 4 hours

Jerry Zhu : 4 hours

Ethan Lin : 4 hours

Jasmine Lin : 4 hours

Tianxiang Ding : 4 hours

Ziheng Jiao : 4 hours

Jerry Shan : 4 hours

Zijia He : 4 hours

Leon Chen : 4 hours

Hanna Chen : 4 hours

Matthew Lin : 4 hours

Albert Tang : 4 hours

Naomi Luo : 4 hours

Elyssa Lin : 4 hours

Cassandra Lin : 4 hours

Thomas Liang : 4 hours

William Liang : 4 hours

Sophia Gao : 4 hours

Derrick Gao : 4 hours

Sabrina Gao : 4 hours

Aaron Shi : 4 hours

XiLin Huang : 4 hours

Nerissa Xu : 4 hours

Paxton Xu : 4 hours

Melody Ke : 4 hours

Amy Liu : 4 hours

Elina Lee : 4 hours

Ian Lee : 4 hours

Brandon Lin : 4 hours

Aiden Lin : 4 hours

Ryan Wu : 4 hours

Darren Wu : 4 hours

Sophia Lin : 4 hours

Mandy Lin : 4 hours

Isabella Wang : 4 hours

Cindy Siegel : 4 hours

Tyler Siegel : 4 hours

Darren Li : 4 hours

Austin Li : 4 hours

Angela Liu: 3.5 hours

Iokseng Lin: 3.5 hours

Queena Li: 3 hours


Parent Adviser Team:

Cui Fang Li (Fannie): 5 hours

Teng Fei Liu (Faye): 5 hours

Hsinhui Liao (Karen): 5 hours


Report written by: Vickie Lin

Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: July 23, 2024 — 2:23 am

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