AYLUS San Clemente Branch Members Volunteered at RMV 6th Annual Butterfly Release on July 20th, 2024

On July 20th, 2024, AYLUS San Clemente Branch members volunteered at Rancho Mission Viejo Family Fun Club for its 6th Annual Butterfly Release on the Pavilion Field. This is the culmination of the endeavors of the little scientists in the community looking after their painted lady caterpillars until they complete their metamorphosis stage. A great way to learn butterfly life cycle and how to help the environment.

Members participated this event: ELena Hsieh ( 4hrs), Eric Ding ( 4hrs), & Jasmine Zheng ( 4hrs).

Supervisor: Anna Yang ( 2hrs )

Updated: July 20, 2024 — 9:45 pm

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