San Diego Branch hosted the AI&STEM summer activity/camp June 17, 2024

Reported by Emily Zhu


The AI&STEM summer activity/camp, organized by AYLUS San Diego Branch, took place from June 17 to June 21, 2024. The camp aimed to provide students from grades 6 to 10 with an engaging learning experience in use Arduino kit to build project, driven by the software programming. Students were grouped into 2-3 sub groups. Each group will have the students to work on hardware (circuit) and software (coding).

Competition was conducted by the end of each day.

The primary objective of the AI&STEM summer activity/camp is to help participants

  1. Learn to become an inventor.
  2. Learn to explore how to wire and program a microcontroller, invent with indicators and actuators, and explore future careers in technology!

Throughout the camp, Emily Zhu and Emmy Zhu, volunteer instructors, provided the hands-on teaching on the hardware and software(programming). The curriculum is as below:

Day 1: Introduction and LED circuit

Day 2: LED Blink and Multiple LED

Day 3: LED SOS and Servo

Day 4: 2 Servos and Servo Sweep

Day 5: Servo and LED and final day project

The AI&STEM summer activity/camp successfully attracted a total of 7 students, providing them with the opportunity to delve into the wonders of Arduino in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The camp’s small student-to-instructor ratio allowed for personalized attention and tailored guidance, ensuring that each student’s individual needs were met.

Both students and parents are very satisfied about this fun and educational camp.  A second session will be offered in the following week.

The followings are the volunteers during this week:

20 hours (4 hours on 6/17, 4 hours on 6/18, 4 hours on 6/19, 4 hours on 6/20, 4 hours on 6/21)

Emily Zhu, Emmy Zhu (instructors)

15 hours (3 hours on 6/17, 3 hours on 6/18, 3 hours on 6/19, 3 hours on 6/20, 3 hours on 6/21)

Eric Zhu (facilitator)


Updated: June 23, 2024 — 9:16 pm

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