SMILE 4 Special Needs(#133): Pearland Branch Teaching at SNCC Day Hab (#91) on June 14, 2024

On June 14, 2024, AYLUS Pearland volunteers supported the Light and Salt Association’s Special Needs Caring Center (SNCC) Day Hab program. The volunteers began by assisting with a physical exercise session and then took the lead in instructing the life skills and fine motor skills sessions. The lead instructor discussed trip preparation and shared her recent European travel experiences. Following this, the volunteers guided campers in small groups to create 3D puzzle models of London landmarks.

Volunteers:- Abigail Zheng (7.5 hours) – Max Xiao (6.5 hours) – Jerry Mao (6.5 hours)

Parent on duty (1 hour) – Yumin Liu (Jerry/Bella M)

Updated: August 5, 2024 — 4:59 pm

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