Syosset AYLUS members helped work at the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center 06/08/24


On Saturday, June 8, Syosset AYLUS members helped work at the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center. As Roosevelt was known to be a huge conservationist, close relatives of his would donate land in honor of his passing which would later become the first sanctuary for songbirds in the United States. Today, this sanctuary is focused on removing invasive species, replenishing natives, and keeping the land clean. Every Saturday has now been dedicated as ‘stewardship Saturday’ where volunteers can help lend a hand.  

On today’s list, volunteers started out by transferring 2 tables. With the help of 5 volunteers and two trips, the job was quickly done. The main task was to cover certain areas of the sanctuary with mulch as there were sprouting weeds. Students quickly got busy as they loaded wheelbarrows with mulch and spread it out in the needed areas. As the sun shone down hot, it was definitely not an easy task to complete. After many trips back and forth with the mulch, the areas were more than ready for a new planting project. 

Rachel Zhang, Jennifer Shi (advisor), Anson Ye, Meghan Liu, Haodong Wang, Haohua Wang (ALL 2 HOURS)

Updated: June 14, 2024 — 1:55 am

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