AYLUS San Clemente Branch Members Volunteered at FAM’s La Noche Blanca Gala on May 31, 2024

On Friday, May 31, 2024, 6 members of the AYLUS San Clemente Branch helped volunteer and set up for FAM’s La Noche Blanca Gala. The volunteers helped to unload a truck filled with various items that were being used to decorate the interior of the gala venue, as well as helping to set up tables, place tablecloths on the tables, hang up fake plants in the venue garden, set up chairs in the main dining area, and place items like gift baskets and gift cards up for silent auction on their respective tables. The volunteers were even provided with a tasty sandwich lunch while they were helping out! Thanks to our branch members for making this amazing event possible!

Members volunteered this event were: Elena Hsieh ( 3.5hrs ), Laura Liu ( 3.5hrs ), Edward Leigh ( 3.5hrs ), Jasmine Zheng ( 3.5hrs ), Kevin Zhou (3.5hrs ) and Eric Ding ( 3.5hrs ).

Reported by Elena Hsieh

Supervisor: Anna Yang & Ellen Su ( 1.5hrs each )


Updated: June 2, 2024 — 6:21 am

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