Murrieta AYLUS Hosts a Senior Center Music Performance ( 8th) ( 5/27/2024)

Reported by Jessica Lu :

On May 27th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS hosted a music performance for the seniors.
In honor of Memorial Day, members decided to go and perform for the seniors. Members first performed at the Memory Care building, before moving to the Independent Living building. The performance included dancing, singing, and playing the piano. After their first performance, members were a bit tired but were soon cheered up when they were welcomed with ice cream and popcorn at their second destination. After they played, members would enjoy a sweet treat before coming in at the end to take a final group picture.

Volunteers :

Aiying Lu / 5hrs

Hsin Chen(Julie) Lu / Jessica Lu / XinMiao(Victoria) Yu / ZhaoZhu(Cherry) Chen / Louise Chen / Kuang (Jerry) Wang / Zihan Yi /Aaliyah Xu / ZiChun(Justin) Yi / Kevin Zhang / Sophia / Selina : 1:00 – 5:30 / 4.5 hrs

Ian Li / Sylvia Zheng / Owen Li / Lynette Zheng /  Ashlyn Zheng : 1:30 – 4:00 / 2.5 hrs

Yuan(Ann) Yin /  1:30 – 4:30 : 3 hrs

Hsin Chen(Julie) Lu : 21:30 pm – 22:30 pm ( 5/25) / 1 hr (make flyer)


Updated: July 21, 2024 — 9:01 pm

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