AYLUS Oyster Bay Continues to Build Teepee Garden for Sangha Education Center on May 25, 2024

Written by Christina Mink

On March 25, 2024, AYLUS Oyster Bay continued their efforts at Sangha Education Center to help build a Teepee Garden. As with last week, we met Director Christine Keller and her team at the main house area. Continuing from last week, members shoveled mulch into wheelbarrows, transported it through the woods to the Meadow Farm, and spread the mulch around the plants. We loosened the soil, dug holes, and planted blueberries at the center of the teepee, working very hard to rip off the grass surface to increase the garden area. We also covered the teepee to prevent animals from eating the lavender, rosemary, and blueberry plants. Then, we used small wooden sticks wrapped with cloth dipped in ammonia solution to prevent insects. Additionally, a sprinkler was placed to water the plants. This work is in preparation for the summer program at Sangha Education Center, and we are very grateful to help make the Meadow Farm a nature educational sanctuary.

Christina Mink 3 hrs, Hoilee Dai 2 hrs, Leah Lee 2 hrs, Li Mink 2 hrs, Tom Mink 2 hrs

Updated: June 14, 2024 — 10:46 pm

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