Twin Cities Branch: Fundraising for ICA local food shelf at Jerry’s food(11/18/23)

On November 18, 2023, the AYLUS Twin Cities Branch members went to Jerry’s Foods in Edina to help fundraise for FMSC from 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm, totaling 5 hours. The volunteers helped customers carry their groceries out, put away carts, and send groceries out. After the event came to a close, we managed to raise $1000, an incredible accomplishment. The fundraiser was very successful, and it was great knowing that the money that the money raised would be donated to ICA, a local food shelf dedicated to fighting for security. It was a special experience interacting with the customers, knowing that the customer’s generosity would feed the community, which made the experience even better.

Participants:  Kai Huang(5hrs), Penny Pang(5hrs), Hamza Banatwala(5hrs), Claire Cao(5hrs)
Olivia Peng(4hrs), Isabel Bell(3hrs), Max Ren(2.5 hrs), Thomas Chen(3.5hrs), Michael Luo(2.5 hrs), Eric Luo(2.5 hrs), Curtis Ying(2.5 hrs), Jeffrey Chen(3.5 hrs)