AYLUS Pearland Hosts Its First Elections

On March 30, 2018 the AYLUS Pearland branch hosted its first ever election at the Pearland Westside Library. 24 voters attended the meeting, determining the outcome of the election. Several new leaders were officially welcomed into AYLUS leadership: Tony Liu as president; Jerry Gu and Vincent Yang as vice-presidents; Benjamin Liang as secretary; Andy Gu as treasurer; Karen Lu as public relations; and Hans Wang as historian. AYLUS Pearland also welcomes 6 new representatives at large: Janie Chen, Andy Jiang, Katherine Zhong, Ethan Chen, Terry Guo, and Kate Liu.

The leadership of AYLUS Pearland was given from its previous leaders: Kevin Chen, Jason Jiang, Han Lu, and Grace Liu to the next generation. Thanks for their hard work and congratulations to those that were elected.

Reported by Hans Wang

Updated: April 13, 2018 — 12:34 am

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