On Sunday, June 4th, 2023, we went to Jones Beach for 6 hours.
We were informed about the endangered species of many birds in the area (such as piping plovers) and how they liked to lay their eggs on beaches. We learned that animals can eat/step on them since they are made in the sand. Humans also accidentally step on them sometimes. Using this information, we spread throughout all the fields in Jones Beach and informed others about these birds. Many of them signed our pledge to protect these birds. They wrote their name, city/state they lived in, email address, and whether or not if they’re interested in volunteering in future activities. This allowed many people to take notice of these birds and spread awareness (via stickers). For the 6 hours we were here, we got over 200 signatures in total.
Leo Zheng (6 hours), Ryan Lin (6 hours), Zihan Wang (6 hours), Brook Zheng (6 hours) Angeline Li(6 hours)
Report by Zihan Wang