Raritan Valley Branch Hosted Reusable Bag Drive June 25th to July 9 2022 in East Brunswick, New Jersey

From June 25th to July 9, the board of AYLUS Raritan Valley (Vivian Sun, Albert Y He, and Austin Ing) hosted a reusable bag drive. Community Food Bank of New Jersey had previously stated that they were in need of reusable bags due to the NJ plastic bag ban, so the branch decided to step up and pitch in. To spread word of the drive, Vivian Sun created a flyer, which was then sent to group chats, emails, and our discord server. AYLUS Raritan Valley collected around 150 bags from 3 different locations. Many of our members donated to the drive.


On July 13th, the volunteers drove to Replenish Food Bank, located in East Brunswick, to drop off the bags. Replenish members were overjoyed to receive our donations and promptly began to distribute them amongst themselves. 


Thanks to all the members who participated in this drive, and we can promise that there will be more to come! 

Reported by: Vivian Sun

Activity Lead: Vivian Sun (4.5 hours), Albert Y He (3.5 hours), Austin Ing (3.5 hours)

Participants: (2 hours for each)

Xinning Lucy Liu, Alicia Xu, Clara Wang, Matthew Ding, Cindy Wu, Daniel Yu

Updated: September 3, 2022 — 5:20 pm

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