On Saturday, March 15, 2025, AYLUS Great Neck branch hosted an APPI event at the Great Neck Station Library. There, the volunteers started setting up the activities for today; such as reading, origami and even crochet! Soon, kids started to arrive. We started the event with Goldman and Brandon reading 3 books for the children. Afterwards, the children decided what they wanted to do. Rainie taught a 6th grader how to crochet a rose. Meanwhile, Summer and Andrew taught some kids how to make different things out of origami; things such as cranes and cats! Baiyu also taught kids how to make paper plate animals. Overall, this was a fun time for the children and people volunteering!
Reported by: Summer Lu
Baiyu Chen, Summer Lu, Andrew Li, Rainie Cheng, Goldman Tian, Brandon Li (1.5 hours)