AYLUS Basking Ridge Volunteered at YMCA SIM Program on 3/15/25

Twelve AYLUS Basking Ridge members participated in Saturdays in Motion at the GSCY YMCA on 3/15/25. The one volunteer that was new to SIM first participated in a brief new volunteer orientation, while the other two helped set up the gym rooms before the kids got here. Once the session started, each volunteer paired up with a special needs kids and did various activities, such as going on the gymnastics equipment, playing catch, running on the inflatable track, and more.

Yihao Zeng, Tonia Wu, Sara Yu, Amelia Liu, Christine Shen,Catherine Shen, Charlotte Liu, Jeremy Liu,Yixuan Yao,Andy Wang,Anya Wang,(3/15/25, 2HR)

Kayla Xu joined an extra water hour with the special needs kids (3/15/25, 3HR)

Updated: March 15, 2025 — 10:59 pm

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