On January 25th, AYLUS Houston volunteered at Books for Development. Over the course of three hours, our volunteers participated in a variety of activities, including folding cardboard boxes, sorting donated books into different genres, packaging sorted books into boxes, and placing boxes onto pallets for shipping. These books will then be sent to African countries to be placed in libraries.
Every child has a right to education, but in impoverished countries, schools may not have the funds to purchase many books. By donating books to libraries in those countries, Books for Development helps spark interest in education and reading in such an important stage of a person’s life. AYLUS Houston is proud of our members’ hard work and efforts in helping support this cause. We hope to continue working with Books for Development to make a lasting impact.
Volunteers (3 hours): Xinyuan (Jessie) Liu, Danni Zheng, Kelvin Guo, Ethan Guo, Sherry Zhang, Eason Jin, Lynetta Jin