Murrieta AYLUS Volunteers at Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley #31– MLK Day of Service (1/18/2025)

Reported by Jessica Lu :

On January 18th, 2025 Murrieta AYLUS members helped Habitat for Humanity landscaping.
There was a total of 8 homes to fix and the group of volunteers there split into 2 so each group would attend to 4 homes. The first home was pretty simple, just pulling out weeds and cleaning up fallen leaves. The second home took the longest, where members had to clean up fallen trees/branches and rake all the leaves together. The front yard of the second home had a big tarp where piles of trees were laid together. By the end, the home was almost unrecognizable in terms of how clean it looked. For the third home, many fruit trees were cut down (lemon and orange trees) so members took a big bag to collect all the good fruits so they could bring it to their food bank on Monday. Then, members threw away the crushed/rotten fruits into a bag along with the leaves and debris. They place a large tarp at the front of the house to collect the cut-down fruit trees. The last house had both volunteer groups working together, making the work easier and faster. They cleaned up leaves/branches into big trash bags and hauled them to the front of the house where they would be taken away later. At the end, members also received the Habitat for Humanity Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Service Award and they expressed their gratitude for the member’s hard work at each event.

Volunteers :

Aiying Lu : 5 hrs

Jessica Lu : 7:45 am – 11:45 am / 4 hrs 

YiMing Zhong / Aaliyah Xu : 9:15 am – 11:45 am / 2.5 hrs ea

Updated: January 21, 2025 — 3:19 am

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