On Thursday, January 2, 2025, from 9:00AM. to 1:00pm, the Roslyn Aylus Branch volunteered with Nosh Delivers, a food pantry located at Glen Cove. The purpose of it is to provide food and other supplies to families in need. When all of us arrived we got assigned different tasks, such as helping with stocking the shelves or assisting with sorting through produce from donations. Nosh Delivers provides many essential items in everyday life, but more importantly food. For this reason there’s a wide range of food items that can be chosen from, such as canned goods or fresh produce.
Most of us were assisting with stocking the shelves while the rest were aiding in the delivery of groceries to people. After that all of us began helping with the transport of new donations that had just arrived. Some of us got in the way, but learned to be more aware of our surroundings’ quickly. This was to ensure there was plenty of food to go around to the people or families arriving to gather food. Then began the sorting of the food and produce that either belonged in the kitchen or shelves. It took a long time even with all of us helping because of the large amount of donations given. Many of the boxes were heavy which slowed us down, so they were given to the people in our group who were stronger and able to lift the boxes with little effort.
After this whole experience we learned many things from food to being aware and conscious. We all got to experience what hard work truly is firsthand as we were all exhausted after everything we did to help Nosh Delivers in their goal of helping people and families in need of supplies. The volunteering we did gave us a sense of pride and joy in our work as we had helped so many.
Members who participated:Zihan Wang(4 hours), Ethan Lin (4 hours), Jasmine Lin (4 hours), Charlotte Wu (4 hours), Kayden Cheng(4 hours)
Reporter-Kayden Cheng