2025/1/5 The AYLUS Dix Hills Branch Volunteers at Long Island Chinese School

On January 5th, from 1:30 to 4:30, the AYLUS Dix Hills Branch volunteered at the Long Island Chinese School as teacher assistants.

Volunteers assisted teachers in multiple ways such as getting teaching materials, printing out assignments, and escorting students to the bathroom. The printer had broke during the classes, but was quickly fixed by some volunteers. Volunteers then also assisted in the chess classes, setting up boards and even playing against some of the students, despite the fact that these were the final tournaments in the class for the year.

By helping out in class, volunteers greatly improve the learning environment for teachers and students.



Volunteers: Jonathan Fan (3.5 hours); Jake Wu (3 hours)



Updated: February 3, 2025 — 4:13 pm

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