Reported By Charlotte Chen
Posted By Charlotte Chen
On the morning of November 24th, 2024, AYLUS Frisco & Plano Branch members gathered at the Lexington County clubhouse for a crochet event for the Loops For Love Project. Lots of new members showed up, so more senior members of AYLUS taught them the basics of how to crochet a hat. By the end of the event, the newer volunteers had all learned how to crochet and even started to crochet their own hats to donate to cancer patients as part of the Loops For Love Project. In addition, some other members spent the event crocheting their own hats, with some even managing to finish their hats and start another one. This event was a great success; lots of volunteers learned how to crochet and a lot of progress was made overall. Great job to the AYLUS volunteers!
Charlotte Chen (Event Leader) 4 hours
Kat (Kaitlin) Lian (Event Leader) 3 hours
Amanda Ye 1.5 hours
Jayani Guntumadugu 2 hours
Hamsika Ganipineni 2.5 hours
Kathy Chen 3 hours
Addy Zhang 3 hours
Evan Hou 3 hours
Dylan Hou 3 hours
Fiona Weng 3 hours
Liangyu Tsai 3 hours
Dingwei Tsai 3 hours
Nagipranavi Kanchepu 2.5 hours
Qilu Jin 1.5 hours