In November, the Greater Princeton & Far Beyond Branch of AYLUS (GPA) continued its holiday greeting event to first aid and rescue squads, firefighters, police officers, and so many real heroes in our community, who sacrifice a lot to save lives, and deserve our honor and respect, especially in this holiday season.
The Princeton First Aid & Rescue Squad specializes in a wide array of technical rescue services. Because of the complexity and risk associated with these types of operations, rescue members participate in extensive certification programs and frequent drills to maximize proficiency and to ensure patient and crew safety. Working side-by-side with our EMTs, rescue technicians utilize specialized equipment to mitigate hazards, rescue patients in distress, and provide life-saving care in medical crises.
Providing Emergency Medical Service is the Squad’s primary activity. All of our career and volunteer staff members are highly-trained Emergency Medical Technicians and are prepared to deliver care in a wide variety of life-threatening situations, including childbirth, allergic reactions, respiratory emergencies, traumatic injuries, and cardiac arrest. Our EMTs engage in continuing education classes and regular training sessions to ensure they are ready to serve our community with the highest quality care possible.
Led by Steven Li (11/23, 9-11 am, 2 hrs), GPA members (11/23, 10-11 am, 1 hr for all) Gloria Wang, Stephanie Liao, Kristine Wang, Manfred Yan, Catherine You, Melanie You, Martin Zhao, Owen Zhao, Victoria Butz, Jeffrey Zhang, Annie Wang, Xiaohui Zhang, Yolanda Zhang prepared best wishing cards, collected donation items, joined for the event and delivered the gifts to the real heroes at Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad (2 Mt Lucas Road).