Reported by Anson Ye
On 10/20/24, members of AYLUS Syosset volunteered at the Oyster Festival at Oyster Bay to help recycle oyster and clam shells. Volunteers achieved this by collecting oyster and clam shells from those at the festival finished with their meal. Recycling these shells is vital for the environment, as without them, new oysters are not able to grow on the mud that settles at the bottom of a bay, so these shells ultimately help new oysters grow as well as restore bays. Oysters are crucial for the environment, as they help filter and purify water and promote biodiversity.
Members that participated include (All 3 hours): Anson Ye, Vincent Ye, Felix Zheng, Brian Li, Richard Li, Elva Chen, Amanda Wu, Sofie Chang, Andy Li, Kingston Lu, Sonia Huang, Jianie Huang, Audrey Lin, Aiden Lin, Jinghan Wu, Jingrui Wu.