San Diego Co-hosted the fundraising project of “Echoes of Sudan” to support children in Sudan

Reported by Eric Li

UNICEF official said 17 million of 19 million children in Sudan are displaced due to the nonstop crossfire in the country. A few students from three different high schools in San Diego initiated a project “Echoes of Sudan” to help support children in Sudan. For just 82 cents a day, you can provide food for one of these refugee children.

AYLUS co-hosted the “Fall Festival” fundraising event to support the “Echoes of Sudan” project. On October 19, 2024, AYLUS volunteers assisted by playing games with children and selling food to the community. Through this event, we not only raised over $500 for “Echoes of Sudan,” but also strengthened our connection with the local community.

The following five AYLUS members homemade food for the event:

Derek Chen — 48 cookies ( 2 volunteer services hours)

Eric Liang — 30 mochi ( 2 volunteer services hours)

Ayden Liang — 30 Rolling Donkey snacks ( 2 volunteer services hours)

Emily Wu — 40 tea egg ( 2 volunteer services hours) and

Gavin Zheng — 40 egg tart ( 2 volunteer services hours)

The following 11 AYLUS members participate the event of “Fall Festival“ on 10/19/2024, and each with 3 volunteer services hours

Eric Li,  Andrew Zhou , Derek Chen, Daniel Wang, Max Yang,  Eric Liang,  Aydan Liang,      Emily Wu, Jessica (Jialin) Jiang, Sofie Duan, and Gavin Zheng. 


Updated: October 21, 2024 — 4:23 am

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