San Diego Branch hosted the 2024-2025 17th Solution for Hope Beast Academy Online Class on October 7-13, 2024

Reported by Eric Xie 

AYLUS San Diego Committee kicked off the Beast Academy online class in 2020 during the COVID-19 period. During 2024-2025, we continue cooperating with Libraries of Love to raise funds. The 17th Beast Academy online class in 2024-2025 was on October 6-13, 2024.

Beast Academy is a mathematics program for elementary and middle school students, and highly qualified high school volunteers will be teaching the Beast Academy curriculum. Currently at the San Diego Branch, enough students have signed up for this course for it to be offered in five levels: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Through tutoring sessions hosted virtually over Zoom, our volunteers teach students numerous informative mathematical concepts that help to bolster problem-solving skills and improve their mathematical knowledge.

The distinguishing factor of this activity is that in the Beast Academy program, all participants are in this for a great cause. All proceeds from the tutoring sessions will go to support the Libraries of Love, a project to build libraries for K-8 kids in Africa and provide books to them. Through this activity, our volunteers strive to create a positive impact on the world using their own abilities; with their hard work and support, we all see the light at the end of the tunnel.

6 students attended the Beast Academy Activity on October 6-13, 2024. Overall, there were 12 participants in the program.

Eric Xie taught Level 4 Beast Academy curriculum for 2.0 hrs on October 8, 2024

Gavin Zheng taught Level 3 Beast Academy curriculum for 2.0 hrs on October 8, 2024

Selina Pan  taught Level 5 Beast Academy curriculum for 2.0 hrs on October 11, 2024

Brianna Zhang taught Level 4 Beast Academy curriculum for 2.0 hrs on October 12, 2024

Audrey Wu taught Level 2 Beast Academy curriculum for 2.0 hrs on October 12, 2024

Lingxi Kong taught Level 5 Beast Academy curriculum for 2.0 hrs on October 13, 2024

Updated: October 14, 2024 — 11:39 pm

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