Raleigh, NC

Status: ACTIVE


On July 10th, 2020, three students from Raleigh, North Carolina founded the seventy-first branch for the Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States (AYLUS): Raleigh, NC.


Congratulations to (from left) Katherine He, Jerry Wen, Priyanka Patel of the Raleigh Branch!

Great job!


Description of the Raleigh Branch

Our branch based in Raleigh, North Carolina hopes to contribute to the Raleigh community through various projects. Our goal is to give back to the community through volunteer work while also establishing a sense of dedication, responsibility and leadership. Whether it’s going to food banks to help sort food, musical performances at senior living centers, or charity fundraising, we want to grasp every opportunity to benefit those in need. All ideas will always be welcome because we hope that all our members will be excited to contribute their thoughts on how to make the Raleigh community an even better place.

Branch Leadership


Position Name Email
President Victor He Victor_He@caryacademy.org
Vice President Conrad Akulian

Steve Zhong

Wells Lin




Secretary Noah Becker Noah_Becker@caryacademy.org
Advisor Ruoying He rhe@ncsu.edu

Branch Members

Position Name Email
Member Max Liu Maxliu2018@gmail.com
Member  Aashrith Tatineni aashrith.tatineni@gmail.com
Member  Eoin Samuel iamfun.not@gmail.com
Member  Benjamin Wang mmniu2012@gmail.com



Raleigh Branch Voluntering at the Eastern North Carolina Food Bank on October 4th, 2024

Raleigh AYLUS hosts second Chess Class on August 15, 2021

Raleigh AYLUS hosts first Chess Class on August 9, 2021

Raleigh AYLUS hosts last Speech Class on January 3, 2021

Raleigh AYLUS hosts third Speech Class on December 20, 2020

Raleigh AYLUS hosts second Speech Class on December 5, 2020

Raleigh AYLUS hosts first Speech Class on November 29, 2020

Raleigh AYLUS hosted third Python Coding Class on October 4, 2020

Raleigh AYLUS hosted second Python Coding Class on September 20, 2020

Raleigh AYLUS hosted first Python Coding Class on September 12, 2020


Updated: October 12, 2024 — 3:59 pm

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