AYLUS Bellaire Volunteered at Books for Development on September 28, 2024

From 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM on Saturday, September 28, the Bellaire Branch of AYLUS volunteered at Books for Development (3709 Polk St., Houston, TX 77003).


Books for Development is a nonprofit organization that addresses book shortages in developing countries by increasing access to literacy. It is an all-volunteer organization that relies on book donations and volunteer efforts to ship books and create libraries in nations around the world. According to the Books for Development website, the organization has delivered over 1.5 million books and established around 500 libraries, reaching lives from all over the globe.


At this event, members of the AYLUS Bellaire Branch opened boxes of books, divided them according to subjects and condition, and then boxed them up for shipment.


6 AYLUS volunteers participated in this event (2 hours): Alexander Tang, Albert Ying, Julianne Lee, Alexis Kiew, Kyle Tang and Khang Nguyen.


Reported by Albert Ying


Updated: September 30, 2024 — 2:34 pm

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