AYLUS Great Neck Branch volunteers at CP Nassau (13th) 6/28/24

On Saturday, September 28th from 1-4 p.m., the Roslyn and Great Neck Branches of AYLUS volunteered for the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County at a group home in Seaford. CPNassau helps individuals with disabilities through different programs such as schools, day programs, and homes for the residents. Today, we went to one of the homes in Seaford to volunteer and have a great time

We started by cooking some delicious pizza. Before the event, we planned who would bring what ingredients. When making the pizza, we split the 6 residents into 2 groups. We gave them dough, mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce, and pepperoni. We let the residents take turns doing different steps such as rolling out the dough, spreading the sauce, and putting the cheese and pepperoni on. However, one resident was allergic to tomato sauce and cheese, so, we left a part of the pizza with just dough and pepperoni so the resident could also enjoy the pizza. We let the pizza cook in the oven and when it was done, we cut it up and gave everyone pizza. Everyone loved it, a resident even asked for the recipe. After the pizza, we decided to make clay jewelry. each resident chose their colors and followed the steps to make their jewelry. They chose their clay colors, made the beads, and baked them so they would harden. Then, they chose the charms that they wanted to add to the bracelet. While the beads baking, we made Halloween posters with different stickers and markers. They came out great. Finally, the beads were done and we put together the bracelets. They came out great. Then, we put together puzzles and finished with playing bingo.

Throughout our time there, we learned how to adjust to the resident’s needs and how to help them. We all had a great time and the residents asked when we would be back. We can’t wait to volunteer at CPNassau again!


Maggie Xiao, (3 hours, GN), HaoYang Sun (3 hours, GN)

Maxim Li, (3 hours, R), Jordan Bae, (3 hours, R), Angelika Jiang, (3 hours, R),

Reporter: Maxim Li

Updated: September 29, 2024 — 8:05 pm

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