Reported by Gary Ma
Posted by Karen Li
On Sep 20, seven members of AYLUS and six parents participated in a Feed My
Starving Children (FMSC) packing session. This was pretty straightforward as the
nonprofit organization, FMSC already had everything set up and all we had to do
was basically show up. We started off in a big group with tons of other volunteers
each part of their own organization. Then a staff member went over some
requirements and rules before we got split into group and sent to the packing
stations. We washed our hands and the rest was pretty simple. We got to our station
and started packing food. At the end we cleaned up before meeting up one last time
all together with everyone to go over how many box/ bag we had packed etc. We
felt very proud and happy, Camilla and I were the first time packing up food for FMSC. We felt very delighted off this event.
Together with total 87 volunteers, we packed 21600 meals that can feed 59 kids for a year. Averagely, Aylus group packed approximately 3476 meals that can feed 9.5 kids for a year. We are very proud of what we achieved.
Gary Ma (Event leader): 3 hours
Shuxin (Camilla) Gu: 2.5 hours
Yifan (Ivan) Luo: 2.5 hours
Lawrence Tan: 2.5 hours
Audria Tan: 2.5 hours
Isaac Hui: 2.5 hours
Karl Hui: 2.5 hours
Li Wan: 2.5 hours
Cindy Liu: 2.5 hours
Tao Yang: 2.5 hours
Runlin Zhang: 2.5 hours
Charles Hui: 2.5 hours
Zhaoyang Ma: 2.5 hours