AYLUS Lake Washington Branch Volunteered at 2024 Seattle Asian Cultural Gala on 9/22/2024( # 1)

On Sunday, September 22nd, from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm, our Lake Washington branch participated in the 2024 Seattle Asian Cultural Gala, a popular community event organized by several local Asian nonprofit organizations. Our “Culture Diversity” Project Team hosted two engaging booths on-site: one offering tattoos and face painting for children, and the other featuring Chinese riddle games for guests. This event provided a wonderful opportunity to promote cultural diversity and share traditional Chinese culture.


Our branch members volunteered a total of 15 hours:

– Eric Huang: 5 hours

– Elissa Song: 5 hours

– Cici Sun: 5 hours


#Culture Diversity Project Team

Reported by Christine Liu

Updated: September 23, 2024 — 11:28 pm

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