AYLUS Great Neck Branch Hosted its First Town Cleanup Event on 9/21/2024

On September 21, 2024, from 3:30pm to 4:40pm, the AYLUS Great Neck Branch hosted its first town cleanup event. Two volunteers, both students from Great Neck South, walked from the school to Great Neck Plaza, picking up plastic waste along the way. The garbage included used water bottles, unfinished Dunkin Donuts drinks, Costco receipts, and even a pair of glasses. Some plastic bottles were deeply embedded in the mud, making them difficult to retrieve. Our volunteers carried a big bag and thought that it was too big, but in the end it was all filled. As our volunteers worked, several passing cars rolled down their windows to compliment them on their efforts.

Volunteers who participated: Siying Chen, Francie Xia (1 hour)
Report by Siying Chen

Updated: September 22, 2024 — 1:10 am

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